Beligas Retho Cialis 5mg (100 Tabs)
Retho Cialis 5mg is a prescription drug that treats the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. You can even use Cialis 25 mg alone or in combination with other medicines. However, Cialis belongs to a class of drugs called inhibitors of the five enzymes of phosphodiesterase
Brand Name : Beligas
Active Ingredient : Tadalafil
Tablet Count : 100 Tablets
Half-life : 17.5 Hours
Classification : Pde5 Inhibitor
Dosage : 5-25 mg as needed
Acne : None
Water Retention : Low
Benefits of Cialis 5 mg:
Retho-Cialis 5mg treats erectile dysfunction and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Symptoms of the latter include pain in difficulty, as well as frequency and urgency in urination amongmen.
Cialis Side Effects
Beligas Pharmaceuticals Labs’s Cialis aimed at stimulation of the blood pressure in the genital area, Cialis tablets have immediate effect in the human body and creates the ideal conditions for the development of a natural erection.
The result occurs in 15 – 25 minutes after administration of the tablet, and maintains its effectiveness for 36 hours.
Cialis impact: stabilizing and strengthening erections, increased stamina during sex intercourse, renewals, reducing recovery time of sexual energy.
The information provided above is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Should you have any questions regarding a medical condition, seek the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider. In no case should medical advice be disregarded or delayed because of what you have read or seen. We bear no responsibility or liability for your use of any of our research compounds and products. Please note that they are being sold for research purposes ONLY. We do NOT condone any personal use.
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